Categories: Site Info

About D.G.I. For The D.I.Y.

Hello, this is Eric Landis, creator of DGIfortheDIY.com.  I am a professional engineer who has developed a passion for investing in the stock market. As a result, I’ve decided to share my thoughts on the subject, first on Seeking Alpha, and now with a personal investment website.

I’m in my late 30’s, married, and have three kids of age 5 and under. In that respect, I think I’m in a similar situation to many other investors out there who want to save for retirement and my kids’ education, and to do so in an intelligent and conservative manner.

As one would expect, with a growing family I don’t have much for extra cash to invest in the market, but I’m still able to scrap together enough for a $500 investment in my retirement account every few months. My experience shows that even with just a few hundred dollars a month, you can still be successful in building a portfolio of individual companies.

When I first started investing in individual stocks I didn’t have a plan or method of stock selection, and as a result ended up with a hodgepodge of “hot” and “story” stocks as well as speculative energy and materials companies. Needless to say, that didn’t turn out all that well for me.

However, in early 2013 I came across Seeking Alpha and began reading about the Dividend Growth Investing strategy, or DGI for short. Soon later I sold out of my mutual funds and speculative stocks and jumped headfirst into the world of dividend paying companies, and built a 50 stock portfolio that I continue to write about to this day.

D.G.I. for the D.I.Y. is my attempt to share what I have learned about investing in dividend growth companies, and to teach others who are interested in taking control of their portfolios to focus on the growing income stream that they can provide.

My goal is to create a site chocked full of info about the top dividend growth companies in the market, and a resource base where investors can learn about some of the important metrics they should be looking at when selecting them for their portfolios.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Investing!

