Categories: Site Info

Watch List Archive Is Now Populated

Hello all!

I’ve been burning the midnight oil and am  beginning to make progress on getting content added to the site. Tonight I finished creating an archive of the different sector-based watch list articles that I’ve published on Seeking Alpha. These can be found under the “Watch Lists” pull-down menu at the top of the site.

Additionally, I populated the “My Portfolio” section with links to all of the quarterly updates for my public DGI portfolio.

Next up I plan to begin putting together a list of articles covering the “DGI Basics” such as dividend reinvestment, portfolio construction, sector weighting, and yield vs. growth.

I also hope to add several more sites under the “DGI Resources” section. If anyone has a favorite website they feel is a “must-have” for that section, I’d love to hear about it.

Merry Christmas!


Photo by Pexels.com



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