The ‘DGI For The DIY’ portfolio is a real-time, real-life, dividend growth portfolio that comprises a significant part of the retirement savings for this Do-It-Yourself investor.
I began writing about this investment account after creating it in 2013, and have written regular updates about it on Seeking Alpha ever since.
This self-directed IRA originally began as an assortment of mutual funds offered by the full-service broker managing my company’s retirement plan. Then, in 2012 my company shifted from the full-service broker to an online broker, giving me the option to invest in individual stocks.
I took advantage of this opportunity, sold out of my mutual funds, and began investing exclusively in dividend growth stocks. I plan to build my passive income stream over time and eventually use it to fund a portion of my future retirement.
Wandering Aimlessly In The Market
Unfortunately, when I first started investing in the stock market I was investing without any guidance or direction. I fell victim to a problem that plagues many young investors: investing without a plan.
As Benjamin Franklin once said:
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!
When I started investing I considered myself a “total return” investor, but in reality, I was more of a trader than an investor. I tended to buy positions in the hot names, fast growers, and high risers. The problem was that I usually bought at the top of the hype cycle, only to see the tide turn and the bottom fall out.
Chinese stocks, nanotech stocks, television manufacturers, rare earth metal mining stocks — you name it, I chased it. The end result would be one of two scenarios: I would get impatient and sell at a loss and then watch the stock rise thereafter, or I would hold losers far too long and see the destruction of precious capital.
Keeping Things Simple – Avoid Speculation
The strong desire to find “home runs” rather than focusing on a proven track record and hitting “singles” and “doubles” led to a pretty low investing batting average and generally lousy returns.
Not only was I buying risky stocks, but I was also buying things I didn’t adequately understand, like MLPs, commodity ETFs, foreign stocks, biotechs, and royalty trusts.
Needless to say, this approach wasn’t working very well for me. My investment returns badly lagged behind the market.
I see many young investors falling into similar traps in the years since. Marijuana stocks, green stocks, blockchain, crypto, meme stocks, EV stocks, NFTs, SPACs, etc.
The “stories” seem to be cycling faster than ever, and catching any of these waves at the wrong moment can quickly sour young investors on the joys of investing in the stock market.
A New Investing Approach
Fortunately, in January 2013, I found Seeking Alpha and began reading articles from the dividend investing strategy section of the site. I also read the corresponding reader’s comments sections that followed them. I found that many of the successful veteran investors were talking about long-term buy-and-hold investing, and more specifically, Dividend Growth Investing.
While reading the comments section of an article, I came across a recommendation for a book called “The Single Best Investment” by Lowell Miller. That book and the wisdom shared by some of the seasoned investors on Seeking Alpha likely saved me from myself when it came to investing. It gave me the guide and framework for building a portfolio that would help me intelligently save for my retirement.
Over the course of the next two months, I methodically sold off the original collection of higher-risk stocks and mutual funds and built a portfolio of fifty-plus companies that I continue to write about to this day.
I began investing in the stock market in 2005, and it took me seven years of wandering aimlessly before I found out about DGI. My goal with this site is to provide others looking for a place to start with information on how to be a successful do-it-yourself ‘DIY’ investor and give them the courage to take control of their future retirements.
I’m hopeful that by sharing my story and providing a running commentary on the portfolio, I can help others who are in a similar situation.
Dividend Growth Portfolio Guidelines
The purpose of this portfolio is to fund a portion of my future retirement. Being in my early 40’s, I have another ~25 years to go until I reach that milestone.
This will be accomplished by managing the portfolio to produce a growing stream of income. I’ve established some simple guidelines that help me stay focused on reaching that goal:
- Buy companies that consistently show positive growth in earnings and are translating those earnings into increasing dividend payouts to shareholders.
- Focus on purchasing companies that are investment grade, with S&P credit ratings of BBB or higher.
- Maintain a diversified portfolio spread across multiple industries.
- Reinvest all dividends back into more shares of stock of companies that I own.
- Consider for sale any company that cuts or freezes its dividend.
Double-Digit Dividend Income Growth

The far right column shows the portfolio’s actual dividend income, documenting the progress over the past few years. So far, it’s ahead of pace, as the $3,807 of dividends in 2023 exceeded the goal of $3,543 by 7.5%.
If that 10%+ annual growth is maintained, I will collect over $2,000 per month in passive income at age 66.
This will be a nice supplement to other income sources (Social Security, military pension, IRA, ESOP) my wife and I will have for retirement.
My Dividend Growth Portfolio
The portfolio has been a work in progress since its creation but has evolved into a group of quality companies. The portfolio currently holds fifty-three companies, with more than 90% of them currently showing gains on invested dollars:
My projected dividend income is now over $3,900, which means I’ve passed the $325 mark in monthly income. This exceeds the amount of monthly cash that used to be contributed to the portfolio from my paycheck withholding. It’s great seeing progress made and watching the income snowball grow.
Portfolio value also continues to rise, hitting the six-figure mark during Q1 2021 and reaching nearly $130,000 as of the end of 2023.
Dividend Growth Stock Watch List
As part of tracking my portfolio, I also maintain a watch list of stocks I own and others that I am considering for future purchases. The list is updated weekly, and I’ve been posting snapshots from this list on Facebook and Twitter for the past several months.
For the benefit of my followers, I’m also offering a download of the full spreadsheet to help with their research.
Here is the Dividend Stock Watch List in its entirety.
In return, I ask that you visit this page to view it and share it with others who might benefit from it. I hope others find it as useful as I do when looking for investment ideas.
Quarterly Portfolio Updates
As mentioned, I’ve been writing regular updates on this portfolio on Seeking Alpha since constructing it in early 2013. These updates show the changes made over time and chronicle my journey in learning about DGI.
Below are links to those updates showing the portfolio management. This includes buys/sells made during the quarter, announced dividend increases, and the progress made in income and capital appreciation.
This chronological history of my efforts provides a real-life look into the management of a dividend growth portfolio, and my growth as an investor:
- DGI For The DIY: Initial Portfolio Construction
- Q2 2013
- Q3 2013
- Q4 2013
- Q1 2014
- Q2 2014
- Q3 2014
- Q4 2014
- Q1 2015
- Q2 2015
- Q3 2015
- Q4 2015
- Q1 2016
- Q2 2016
- Q3 2016
- Q4 2016
- Q1 2017
- Q2 2017
- Q3 2017
- Q4 2017
- Q1 2018
- Q2 2018
- Q3 2018
- Q4 2018
- Q1 2019
- Q2 2019
- Q3 2019
- Q4 2019
- Q1 2020
- Q2 2020
- Q3 2020
- Q4 2020
- Q1 2022
- Q4 2022
- Q4 2023
In addition to the quarterly recaps, I also publish updates highlighting the increasing dividend income the portfolio generates. For those blogs, please check out the portfolio update section of the site.
If my portfolio management style interests you and you would like more information about Dividend Growth Investing, please visit my DGI Resources section to find more places to learn about investing.