One of the more enjoyable aspects of dividend growth investing is being able to see my income grow on a consistent basis. Between the reinvestment of dividends and the organic growth produced by dividend increases, my portfolio income has been on a steady march higher since it was built in early 2013.
It’s a nice comfort knowing that my income will grow regardless of what the market is doing on a day to day, monthly, or quarterly basis. Even better, if the market does have a large correction, it actually works in my favor, as my dividends are reinvested at an even higher yield than they would have otherwise, further increasing my income.
Seeking Alpha contributor David Fish recently wrote a series of articles highlighting the Champions, Contenders, and Challengers that are expected to raise their dividends during the first quarter of 2017. This gave me the inspiration to take a closer look at the holdings in my portfolio, and see which ones are due to raise their payouts.
Between David’s list and my own tracking spreadsheet, I was able to find 11 companies that are likely to announce increases with their next declaration. Here they are, along with their recent dividend growth information:

I wrote up an article on Seeking Alpha providing my dividend growth expectations for each company, and my guess at the date that they will be announced.
If you are interested in seeing those predictions please follow the link below.
DGI For The DIY: 11 Companies With Impending Dividend Increases